The action of the razor, even if accompanied by a good product, is always quite aggressive on the skin, therefore it is recommended to use an after-shave product that restores the right hydration and softness. For this reason we have studied a product, not
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The action of the razor, even if accompanied by a good product, is always quite aggressive on the skin, therefore it is recommended to use an after-shave product that restores the right hydration and softness. For this reason we have studied a product, not greasy but rich, which restores the right hydration and the right balance to the skin.
THE LEGEND OF CARTHUSIA It is said that the Queen of Naples, Giovanna d’Angiò, one day decided to come to Capri. We are in the second half of the 1300s and the Certosa di San Giacomo had recently been built on the Island. Among the monks of the Certosa, at the news of the Queen's arrival, enthusiasm grew and they therefore decided to prepare a welcome worthy of a Ruler. The 80 most fragrant and beautiful flowers on the Island were selected, but due to the stormy sea the Queen had to decline her arrival on the Island. The flowers then remained to macerate for several days and began to spread, to the surprise of the monks, pleasant smells and scents.